Just Starting Out In Affiliate Marketing?

If you are interested in generating additional income should take a look at Affiliate marketing as an excellent way to do this. If done properly, using best practices, it is not only a way to gain knowledge and have fun, but also it can be rewarding financially. Affiliate Marketing is one segment of the Internet Marketing Business model which has created more millionaires than any other business model.

A Quick Overview of Affiliate Marketing

The Essence of all Internet marketing, including Affiliate marketing is to bring buyers and sellers together, that is all, not even selling in the case of Affiliate Marketing. With the exponential expansion of science and technology there is a huge bottleneck between technology and the people that need it. This is your opportunity as an Affiliate Marketer.

Affiliate marketing capitalizes on the work that other people (vendors) have done and they are looking for affiliates to show their product to potential buyers. They will pay you a commission when the sale is made. I To become a marketer you need to decide what market (niche) you want to work in; for starters pick something you really like or care about.

Understanding Your Strategy

As an Affiliate Marketer you will need to form two relationships. One with the Vendor (the person/company) that has a product that they want help promoting so that they can make a sale. The second relationship is with potential customers that you find.

You will want to determine that the Vendor and his product are of high quality and integrity and that the commissions make it worth your time to promote while his sales offer converts well. You will need to locate potential customers and keep track of them, form friendships, create respect in both directions, and most importantly, always be helpful and valuable to them.

No Money or Limited Budget?

Many people have little or no money to invest in starting a business however this is still possible with Affiliate marketing and can be an asset in the beginning. It requires more time and work than if you have a large budget. Although there are a number of people and businesses that will sell you various products and services, you don’t “need” any of those to start marketing. In many ways it is simpler and easier to maintain focus, keep from being overwhelmed and confused if you don't buy a bunch of stuff. So here is where we will start.

You Will Need a Computer

You will need a computer or, access to one, and then a free accounts with Google (http://www.Google.com)and Facebook (http://www.Facebook.com) to start. Both of these companies will become your new best friends and they are super simple to set up. Searching on Google will allow you to find all the information and knowledge you will need, while Facebook will find you new friends, audiences and groups of like minded people who will be glad to hear from you. If you have those two accounts, perfect otherwise set them up now

Find Your Niche

The best place to start is finding a subject or “Niche” that you are passionate about and enjoy. This may seem obvious, but many people are just focused on money and want to go after big ticket niches, big first mistake! It is much easier and more fun to work in a niche that you love and know something about. You will find others that share your enthusiasm and you will be able to relate to them much more easily. When it comes to marketing people buy more readily from people they know and trust, like from friends.

Example: animals- pets- dogs- pug dogs (Your niche be specific) 

By finding other like minded people or groups you will be able to share advice, knowledge and experiences thereby enriching yourself and others. First you will be able to gain and provide knowledge through Google searches which will ingratiate you to your new friends. We all love to BUY things, but we hate to be SOLD things. If you see a good movie or find a great restaurant, wouldn’t you share that with your friends? (More about motivating your new friends later.)

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